Save Time and Money with Electronic Authorisations

A common challenge for national fisheries administrations in developing countries is managing paper-based processes around the application and processing of fishing vessel authorisations like permits and licenses. It is also challenging to effectively manage mandatory fishing vessel notifications to these administrations.

Our Electronic Authorisations module simplifies this and allows Fishing and Processing companies to easily apply for permits (landing, bunkering, provisioning, import, export, and transhipment) electronically.  It enables Regulatory Authorities to receive and process these permits in a timely manner.

Additionally, it allows Fishing companies to electronically submit their mandatory vessel notifications.

The permit application feature is available only for Fiji but we can easily digitise similar authorisations for any other jurisdictions.

How You Benefit

Fishers & Processors

  • Save your company time and moneyapply for permits electronically and get notified immediately once your permits have been processed.

  • Reduce your company’s risk of fines and infringements – submit all your mandatory vessel notifications electronically including zone entry (ZENT), zone exit (ZEXT), port entry (PENT), port exit (PEXT), weekly report (WEEK), and transit report (TRANSIT).

  • Don’t waste your time re-submitting a permit application because someone lost yours – all your permit applications are electronically stored and will not be lost. You can track the status of your application at any time.

  • Avoid delays in getting emergency permits– need an urgent permit after office hours or on the weekends? Our Electronic Authorisations feature caters for that and allows Regulatory Authorities to process applications electronically

Regulatory Authorities

  • Improve your service delivery by knowing where the bottlenecks are – keep your clients happy by improving service delivery with this feature.  It tracks the time it takes to complete each action when processing a permit and allows you to view the performance of your team.  Authorised officers can process applications electronically from anywhere with an Internet connection and access to our portal.  You will never lose or misplace paperwork again.

  • Meet your Port State Measures obligations – this feature allows you to effectively administer mandatory vessel notifications for port access and authorisations to offload/land legal catch.  It helps you fulfill any obligations under national, regional, or international port state measures agreements, such as the FAO’s Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA).

  • Guarantee that your permit decision is based on the best available data – our fisheries traceability solution allows you to verify different data sets related to a fishing event in one place

  • Free up staff time to focus on other high value fisheries work – working electronically ensure your team are not wasting effort and time processing permits manually but instead making more effective use of their time and skills.

How It Works

For a Fishing company

Register Vessel Details Once

Digitally record information about your fishing vessels and establishments once into our Entities module and reuse this information to apply for permits and to submit mandatory vessel notifications.

Record Fishing Trip Details

Once your vessel details are recorded you can use our Harvest & Landing module to record details of your fishing trips, catch information, and landing tallies.

Use our mobile app to record data on the vessel during the fishing trip. This catch data can be synced with our portal on return to Port.

Lodge Permit Applications or Vessel Notifications Electronically

Applying for a permit electronically is easy.

All you have to do is fill in the right permit application form for a given vessel on a fishing trip.  Most of the details for the vessel will already be recorded previously so all you need to do is fill in the missing information.

This process only takes a few minutes if you have all the information available.

Once you’ve submitted the application, an email notification is sent to the relevant Ministry for action.

For a Regulatory Authority

Receive Permit Applications and Vessel Notifications

You will be notified by email once a permit application or vessel notification has been submitted by a fishing company for processing.

You can receive these applications and notifications in the Electronic Authorisations module.  This will trigger an email notification to the fishing company (applicant) letting them know their application was received.

Every action relating to processing a permit is timed and reports are available in our Analytics module.  This allows you to review your processing times and identify bottlenecks.

Review and Process Permit Applications anytime from anywhere

After receiving an application, you can review it and decide whether to approve or decline the application.

An email notification is automatically sent to the applicant notifying them of whether their application was approved or declined and for what reason it was declined.

If the application was approved, the fishing company will be able to view and download an electronic copy of the permit online from the portal.

If the application was declined, the fishing company will need to re-apply for it.